PROJECT : The Net University (NetU)

The Net University (NetU)


Group:East Iceland Knowledge Network (EIKN)
Timeframe:Oct 1, 2008 - Sep 30, 2010
Categories:Information Technology
Countries:Canada | Iceland
Added by:Stefania Kristinsdottir
The Net-University was a project funded by Leonardo programme for vocational education.
Project description: University studies are becoming an increasingly important part of vocational training and education. As the number of university graduates increases demand rises for individual courses and degrees accessible online or after working hours. People in the knowledge age demand that the vocational training they pursue after completing initial vocational training is credited within the university system and that through lifelong learning students/workers can achieve a university degree over time. Increasing access to distance education and facilitating a coherent accreditation system between universities is a way to answer these demands as well as offering education outside urban areas or in the periphery. Another important aspect is that these students have access to supporting services of vocational counsellors and technicians in their region.

The project objectives were to transfer knowledge and experience between Iceland, Scotland, Sweden and Canada in relation to following topics:

  • Sweden, Jönköpin University - Universities of Sweden have a common portal for their offers in distance education, there students can find both individual courses as well as degrees to pursue in their own time. Parallel to the portal is an institution (NSHU) that supports and works on developing teaching methods, counselling and increase offers in distance education.
  • Scotland, University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) -  Has successful experience in the establishment of a network of universities and knowledge centres in the rural areas of Scotland. This network has resulted in a spread of expertise and build up of knowledge in rural areas, increasing education, society and economic involvement of the University in small communities and positive effect on economic development.
  • Experts from Canada will be included as subcontractors. These connections will be with SMARTLABRADOR in Newfoundland and their project "The North Atlantic Knowledge Network" (NKN) which aims at increasing cooperation between countries in the North Atlantic for research, education and community development.


Project website is http://dev.smartlabrador.ca/netu/2 but there you can find further information like "The best practice report" and introduction from the final conference in Iceland in March 2010.


The Best Practice Report - NetU
Size: 1.5 MB   Added: Feb 10, 2012


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Storing and Sharing Community-Based Knowledge
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Version: 2012-JAN-25